Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Exercise, Diet, and Counting Carbs

Understanding Your Diabetes

Today we are going to revisit some of the topics we recently covered in my previous posts. Whether you are a type I or type II diabetic these things must become part of your life.
Memorize this motto and do not forget it:


Most of us love to eat. Food is part of our social structure and every day life. Dinner engagements, eating out with friends, hotdogs at the ball park, pizza; every where you turn there are enticing and tempting fast foods that beckon you to your doom.

You need to get a firm grasp in your mind that every bite of food you eat either benefits your health or destroys your health. We like to think of food as one part of our social activity. It is NOT! If you are diabetic you must learn to think of food as part of your over all plan to take care of your body. That does not mean that you must give up your enjoyment of food. It means that you must have a plan that covers every eventuality. You must also realize that even one slip up makes a difference! I am trying to make you face the fact that your life has changed and you must make changes that will keep you healthy. Do it now!
  1. Portion control
  2. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. You should drink more water according to your weight.
  3. Learn to count your carbohydrates.
  4. Exercise is a factor in your diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle will only make things worse.
  5. You need to take control of your life now!
  6. Refined flour, refined sugar, and processed high fat foods are your enemy! This means you should especially not eat foods fried and battered, pastries such as donuts that have been fried, or anything at all that has been fried in any type of oil!
  7. Eat 5-6 small meals and snacks every day. Your goal is to keep your glucose levels within a range of 120-180 per day. This is a normal glucose range after meals. Ideally your glucose should be below 100 fasting. However, if your levels are higher at present you should follow the guidelines given you by your physician. No matter what range your glucose levels fall into your goal is to avoid the spikes and lows. You do this by eating snacks with 15-20 carbs and meals with 45-65 carbs. It is difficult to give a generic number because if you need to lose weight your calorie and carb levels will be different from a person who is on a maintenance diet.
  8. Get a glucose meter and use it regularly. If your doctor has not put you on a schedule, you should start by checking your levels before you eat and 1 hour and two hours after you eat. Keep a food journal along with these metered glucose measurements for several days to find out which foods make the most impact on your glucose levels.
Using a food journal in combination with the glucose level journal is the best way to find our what you body is telling you. It is also very revealing as to which foods and the amount of foods are to be avoided. Most likely you will find that you do not have to give up any foods other than the previously mentioned foods in the list. There are many food choices and you may discover them all.

  1. If you cannot resist eating pie, then eat the filling and leave the crust. This will reduce the calories as well as the carbs.
  2. If you must have rice or potatoes keep the portion to 1/4 cup
  3. Use whole grain rice or pasta.
  4. Use Splenda for baking when possible.
How to Understand Your Diabetes
How to Make Quick and Healthy Chicken Main Dish Entrees
How to Manage Your Diabetes Every Day
Healthcare Lady

Image Credit
Creative Commons Google Images

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