Managing Your Active Lifestyle and Diabetes
If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of changes in your life, step back and set manageable goals that you know you can keep. You will be surprised how much even a little change will help. If you cannot walk for exercise, how about finding some chair exercises. Even your fingers need exercise to maintain dexterity. Every little bit of movement you add to your life will assist your in your long term goal of making your life as well rounded and healthy as possible.
The most important things you can do for yourself are simple changes.
1. Move... exercise
2. Use portion control in your diet.
3. Drink water throughout the day.
If you follow these three tips your health will improve.
Channel 8 Public Television has a really good exercise program called Sit and Be Fit for people who cannot do more strenuous forms of exercise. This is a very low key program that is perfect for seniors and other home bound people.
Sit And Be Fit